Grace is Officially a College Student
Grace is in the last year of her Adult Transition Program (ATP), a chapter that felt so overwhelming for us to close for so long. If you love someone with special needs, you know how scary it can be watching them grow up and wondering what the world has in store for them. Grace has overcome so much, but she still has her challenges. And so the ever-present question… what’s next?
With that all being said, we are overjoyed to share that Grace has enrolled at Saddleback College and has already started her first class! We’ve always dreamed of Grace having these kinds of opportunities but actually seeing them come to life is a whole different feeling! Now we get to proudly say that all four of our kids have gone to college!
Grace is enrolled in an Adaptive PE class to start. This is huge in itself, as gyms have always been a trigger point for her. Grace struggles with sensory issues, so the loud noises and echoes of bouncing balls, blowing whistles, and squeaking shoes have, in the past, been enough to send her running for the door.
And so you can imagine our surprise when her aid sent us photos of her smiling and laughing playing basketball with her classmates! It’s this kind of growth that keeps us motivated to continue looking ahead towards all of the potential in Grace’s future!
We are so grateful for Grace’s amazing team, all of our family and friends, and all of you for supporting us as we do everything we can to ensure that our girl is given every opportunity in life. We’re honored and so humbled by all of it. And we’re even more motivated to keep building a world where we see ABILITY instead of disability, ensuring that there is space and opportunity for ALL of our kids.
Sending all of our love and gratitude ♡
Grace on Christmas morning telling the family that she’s now officially a college student!
Some Saddleback College swag for our girl’s first day!